Publications and Presentations

Our PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre disseminates the results of its activities through scholarly publications and presentations in professional outlets and academic conferences worldwide. Following are some selected highlights of this dissemination:

  • Ortega, J., Cometto, M.C., Zarate-Grajales, R.A., Malvarez, S., Cassiani, S., Falconi, C., Friedeberg, D., & Peragallo-Montano, N. (in press). Distance learning and patient safety: Report and evaluation on an online patient safety course. Pan American Journal of Public Health.
  • Markaki, A., Wingo, N., Watts, P., Steadman, L., Coles, K., Rae, T., Theus, L., &Ortega, J. (2020). Building capacity for nursing and midwifery education through an asynchronous online course. Journal of Nursing Education, 59, 1, 38- 41.
  • Ortega J, Hooshmand M, Foronda C, Padron M, Simon D, Waters M, et al. Developing nurse leaders across the Americas: evaluation of an online nursing leadership course. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2018;42:e152.
  • Ortega, J., Hooshmand, M., Padron, M., Cassiani, S., & Peragallo, N. (2016, October). Curso de liderazgo en enfermería de la OPS/OMS [PAHO/WHO nursing leadership course]. Presented at the XV Pan American Nursing Research Colloquium: “La Investigación en Enfermería - Contribuciones del Cuidado a la Salud Universal [Nursing Research – The Contributions of Nursing Care to Universal Health],” México City, México.
  • Ortega, J., Hooshmand, M., Padron, M., Cassiani, S., & Peragallo, N. (2016, July). Empowering nurses in Latin America and the Caribbean via an online nursing leadership course. Scientific poster session presented at the 11th Biennial Conference of the Global Network of World Health Organization Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery: “Strategic conversations: The nursing and midwifery contribution towards global health 2030”, Glasgow, Scotland.
  • Ortega, J., Mitchell, E.M., & Peragallo, N. (2016). Beyond borders: Global nursing education for the future. Nursing Education Perspectives, 37 (4), 227-229.
  • Ortega, J. (2015, September 7). Clinical simulation as a teaching strategy in nursing care – Invited presentation to the Roundtable on Technological Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Nursing and Healthcare, XIII Iberoamerican Conference on Nursing Education, ALADEFE (Latin American Association of Schools and Colleges of Nursing), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Cianelli, R., Wilkinson, C., Mitchell, E.., Anglade, D., Nicolas, G., Mitrani, V., Peragallo, N. (2013). Mental health training experiences among Haitian healthcare workers post-earthquake 2010  International Nursing Review, 60 (4), 528-535.  Doi: 10.1111/inr.12047. PMCID: PM 3933925. [This project, funded by NIH/NIMHD was also featured in April 8, 2013 issue of]
